Screws are one of the most critical resources in Fallout 76. They are used in everything from modding weapons, crafting camp items, and repairing your gear.
The best way to get screws in Fallout 76 is to take down the Wendigos on the road south of Abbie’s Bunker. Up to three can spawn, dropping four to eight screws each time. Then hop servers and repeat this process to get all the screws you need.
While that is the most effective method for gathering screws, it is far from the only way. In this guide, I’ll show you other great locations, techniques that may work better for you, and where you’re at in the game.
There are tons of items in Fallout 76 that, when scrapped at a workbench, will yield screws. They’re all widespread, and you can find them everywhere.
All that’s required is to pick them up, take them to a workbench, and scrap them. Making a habit of picking up these items whenever you’re exploring makes your goal of having enough screws for your repairs and upgrades much more manageable.
Below is a list of items in Fallout 76 that yield screws when scrapping them.
- Desk Fans/Office Desk Fans – 1 screw
- Globes – 1 screw
- Typewriters – 1 screw
- Carlisle Typewriter – 2 screws
- Toy Car – 1 screw
- Toy Truck – 1 screw
- GiddyUp Buttercup Parts – 2 screws
- Handcuffs – 1 screw
- Hot Plate – 1 screw
- Pepper Mill – 1 screw
- Tongs – 1 screw
Now that you know what items you need to find. Let’s discuss some locations that will yield screws in large quantities.
Sugar Grove
The Sugar Grove is far to the southeast of Vault 76 and northeast of the National Isolated Radio Array and the National Radio Astronomy Research Center. We’ll talk about those locations shortly.
There are four desk fans and an antique globe in the exterior entry area of Sugar Grove. Make sure to grab those before entering the building.
Proceeding into the main office area, including the conference and side rooms, will net another two antique globes, six desk fans, and two portable fuel tanks.
Move down the stairs. The counter on your right will have a desk fan. The hallway to the north has many cabinets that can generate screws but no specific items. The hallway to the south ends in a room with workbenches that contains another globe. The main control room and the server room ahead of you yield only two desk fans and a hotplate.
Remember to check all the desks, cabinets, and containers, as they will likely produce bonus screws. Hitting all the areas above will lead you to find items that yield twenty screws quickly.
National Isolated Radio Array
National Isolated Radio Array is a short distance to the southwest of Sugar Grove and well southeast of Vault 76. Note that you are heading into the nearby brick office building, not the big satellite dish.
The layout of this building is simple. There are two floors above ground and a basement. The main floor contains three desk fans, two antique globes, a hot plate, and a typewriter. The second floor includes three desk fans, one globe, and a typewriter. The basement is void of screw-producing junk but has several containers that might offer screws.
In total, we’re looking at thirteen screws here, not including anything that might be in containers.
National Radio Astronomy Research Center
The National Radio Astronomy Research Center is in the Savage Divide region of Appalachia. Very near Sugar Grove. The layout is very similar to the National Isolated Radio Array. It has three floors above ground and a basement.
The primary floor, including the level two locked office, yields five desk fans, two globes, a hot plate, and three typewriters. I found nothing useful in the bathrooms and kitchen. Avoid them. The second floor only had a single desk fan. The third floor had a desk fan, a globe, a typewriter, and a silver locket. The basement had a single desk fan.
While the second floor and basement were underwhelming, they had many containers that would likely yield screws.
For this location, we’re looking at sixteen screws plus whatever is found in containers.
Abandoned Bog Town
The Abandoned Bog Town is south of the Robco Research Center in the Cranberry Bog. Far to the southeast of Vault 76.
For harvesting screws, this is one of my favorite spots. There are tons of screw-producing items, and they’re in two small places. When you get to the town, you’ll find a road running through it. Find the building marked police. Searching this building will yield one desk fan and nine handcuffs.
Next, go across the street to the brick buildings. Between them is a fire escape. Climb to the roof and drop down through the hole. Inside I found four antique globes, nine typewriters, a clean pepper mill, two office fans, and a hot plate.
I commonly leave this location with twenty-eight screws. Even more, if any of the containers drop screws.
Charleston Herald
The Charleston Herald is southeast of the Charleston Station and southwest of the Wade Airport. For reference, it is directly south of Vault 76 but far from it.
If you’re looking for a slightly lower-level screw farming run, then the Charleston Herald is an excellent place to start. Starting on the lower floor, you’ll find a couple of typewriters in a case. They’re easy to miss. Then head up through the following three levels looting as you go. That will get you five typewriters (including a Carlisle Typewriter that yields two screws) and two desk fans.
I typically encounter low-level super mutants here, but you can easily handle them regardless of your level.
Charleston Capitol Building
The Charleston Capitol building is just southeast of the Charleston Herald. Again, this is far south of Vault 76. Find the DMV entrance as a starting point.
The first floor contains two typewriters, each in the offices at the beginning and end of the main hallway. The second floor is the main attraction, with two desk fans, six typewriters, and two globes.
This location is crawling with feral ghouls, and many of them are the sneaky ones creeping out of piles of rubbish. Be careful to stay calm.
Abbie’s Bunker
If you head south down the road from Abbie’s Bunker a short way, you’ll come across a trailer up-ended and stuck in a tree. You’re almost guaranteed to get a Wendigo to spawn here. Even better, sometimes, a glowing wendigo pops up with him. Just hop servers and hit the next one.
I’m not a fan of server hopping. I’d instead prefer to come across content organically. Server hopping is a part of Fallout 76, though, and there is no reason that you shouldn’t enjoy the benefits.
All that said, this worked remarkably well. When two wendigos spawned, I got over ten total screws from them. Hop servers a few times, and you’re set.
Wendigo Cave
The Wendigo Cave is just a little distance to the northeast of the Top of The World and far east of Vault 76. I debated not including this location here for one reason. It’s not an effective method for farming screws.
That said, it is a guaranteed Wendigo spawn. A Wendigo that will drop several screws when you kill it. The problem is that it takes too long to get to the rinse and repeat part. The Wendigo spawns at the end of the cave. There are several not-completely trivial spawns along the way too.
So if you’re going to go the wendigo farming route to get your screws, then I recommend the ones near Abbie’s Bunker as the vastly more effective spawn point.
Charleston Landfill
Charleston Landfill is just south across the river from the Poseidon Energy Plant and well south of Vault 76. The Kanawha Nuka Cola Plant is to the west.
This workshop is probably the best for farming screws out of all the workshops because it has three junk extractors. It’s relatively low level, so anyone can take it over.
The only real problem is that monsters can sometimes damage your junk extractors and generators during the defense quests. The junk extractors are spread out over a decently sized area. If you’re not quick, you’ll spend your hard-earned junk on repairs.
Gorge Junkyard
The Gorge Junkyard is directly just east of Vault 76. It’s a small workshop with a single junk extractor. It’s okay to take over or do the defense quests because the area is low-level.
With only a single junk extractor, you’ll probably want to take over other workshops or use some of the other methods above.