Fallout 4 contains thousands of items, and since it’s a single-player game, you’re not hurting anyone if you give yourself the things you need or want to play the
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The Charleston Landfill is in the forest region of the map in Charleston, just north of the border with the Ash Heap. AVR Medical Center is to the northeast,
Hemlock Holes Maintenance is a workshop in the northern part of the Toxic Valley Region. It’s just east of the Hemlock Hole golf course and southwest of Wavy Willard’s.
The Gorge Junkyard is a workshop located in the forest region of the map. You’ll find it directly east of Vault 76 and a short distance south on Highway
Yao Guai are legitimately one of the fiercest creatures in the Fallout universe. They’re scary looking and hard to defeat. If they get close to you, it could easily
Fallout 76 Gears: Locations, Items, and Monsters to Farm Gears
Every build in the game needs gears at one time or another. Over the life of a character, you’re going to need a metric-crapton. This guide will show you